The Fresno Grid Fresno

Orange Cove gears up for clean energy

Orange Cove gears up for clean energy The Mayor of Orange Cove, Diana Silva, has defended the hydrogen blending project, stating that it will bring great benefits to the community and will not cause them ill health. Silva argues that the project is not an experiment, but a project that will provide ongoing economic and environmental benefits. She also criticizes a recent opinion column by Diana Furchtgott-Roth, who claimed that the Texas power grid was vulnerable to frequent outages due to the deregulation agenda she promotes by the Heritage Foundation. The mayor urges people to pray for the children of Ukraine on June 1, calling for prayer and a show of support against the ugliness and hatefulness of war.

Orange Cove gears up for clean energy

公開済み : 一ヶ月前 沿って Environment

As the Mayor of Orange Cove, it is an honor to serve my community. The recent opinion column on Orange Cove’s hydrogen blending project unfortunately misrepresented how we feel about this exciting clean energy project that will bring great benefits to our community.

You refer to the hydrogen blending project as an experiment, calling our community “lab subjects.” That assertion couldn’t be farther from the truth.

I know innovators and industry leaders are building clean energy projects, including hydrogen, throughout the Central Valley. This region is proud to continue its role as the energy capital of the state. As a steward of the city, it is my responsibility to seek out projects that will provide ongoing and long-term economic and environmental benefits to the residents of Orange Cove. That’s why we sought out this opportunity; we’re proud to welcome this hydrogen blending demonstration project.

We will not “suffer ill health” as is stated in your piece. We are excited about and proud of our partnership with SoCalGas. It’s time for Orange Cove to position itself as a leader and pioneer in the clean energy transition.

Diana G. Silva is the Mayor of Orange Cove

Children of Fallen Patriots Foundation Gives Scholarships To Military Children: “It’s Our Way Of Honoring Our Fallen Heroes!” May 26 (

June 1 is International Children’s Day. It is a day to reflect on ways to protect children and facilitate their well-being and education. There are children throughout the world experiencing unimaginable hardships.

As of April 2024, according to the UN, at least 600 children have been killed in attacks and more than 1,350 children have been injured as a result of the Russian war of aggression.

UNICEF reports that 2 million children have fled Ukraine, while 2.5 million are internally displaced.

According to Ukraine’s National Information Bureau, 19,546 children were forcibly deported to be forced into adoption in Russia.

Fifteen cases of rape of children committed by the invading Russian soldiers have been documented by the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine.

Human Rights Watch reported that more than 3,790 schools and kindergartens in Ukraine have been damaged or destroyed, interrupting access to education.

The Ukrainian National Women’s League of America is calling upon people throughout the United States to hold prayers for the children of Ukraine and to have our children make cards for their friends across the globe this coming June 1.

Prayer and a show of support are powerful antidotes to the ugliness and hatefulness of war.

I am writing regarding the commentary that ran in the Fresno Bee, “Houston storm shows downside of electrification” by Diana Furchtgott-Roth. There is vital information that was left out. The first is that these outages are a direct result of the sort of deregulation agenda that the Heritage Foundation, for which Ms. Furchgott-Roth works, actively pushes.

The Texas grid is uniquely susceptible to outages because the Texas legislature has long resisted integrating it into neighboring states, as doing so would allow for regulation for safety and reliability. In addition, the increasingly frequent extreme weather events in Texas are a result of destabilization of the climate leading to both increased intrusion of the polar vortex into the southern U.S. in the cooler months of the year and also increased summer heat waves.

The Heritage Foundation has actively worked to deny actual climate science in favor of increasing the short-term profits of the fossil fuel companies that fund the Heritage Foundation.

If Ms. Furchtgott-Roth, and the Heritage Foundation were honest, they would admit that the failures of the Texas power grid are the direct result of the extreme anti-regulation agenda that they champion, and they want the same for the rest of the U.S.

トピック: ESG, Social-ESG

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